During the British reign in India, cotton and cotton products were exported from the powerloom mills of Lancashire and domestic Indian production discouraged.

Handloom weaving continued, organised as early as the 1930s into cooperatives, and is still able to compete with powerloom production through its versatility, creativity and its distinctive quality and feel.

Handloom weaving is the art in which two distinct sets of threads, called the warp and the filling or weft, are interlaced with each other to form a fabric. The warp threads run lengthways, and the weft runs across from side to side. Cloth is woven on the handloom, a device for holding the warp threads in place while the filling threads are woven through them.

Literally thousands of threads are individually woven, and as with all handmade products of this type occasional imperfections occur.

Our Lungis are very special, traditionally handloom woven from organic cotton by village cooperatives at the epicentre of Lungi production in South India.
Colours and patterns we chose lend a contemporary feel to a traditional style. Non-toxic, colourfast dyes complete the circle of quality, ethical trading and organic cotton.